Forrige Neste

Birthday climbing

Bring friends to an outdoor experience with fresh air and bonding activities!


Over 10 years: 330,-
Under 10 years: 190,-
Minimum 10 persons.

Pizza (3 slices) and one soft drink are in addition to the climbing ticket. 85 NOK per person.

2 adults can climb for free with the birthday party.

For booking contact us: email: or mob. 47660673


Birthday can be celebrated on weekdays and in regular opening hours (weekends and all days in school holidays) in the period: april to October.

Please contact us if you wish for another time. Outside of this period, we are flexible on the choice of day and time.


In Høyt & Lavt Molde we can organize your birthday celebrations filled with fresh air, tarzan roars and good vibes. At Høyt & Lavt you’re guaranteed a birthday party out of the ordinary. You get all the equipment and instructions needed for a fun time in the climbing park.

The birthday package includes:

  • A unique experience in the climbing park
  • Equipment and instructions
  • Table in the café (if food is ordered)
  • Two adults can climb for free to help the kids.

NB! We recommend that at least two adults accompanies the group from either on the ground level or on the courses.

Birthday invitation

Birthday invitation – We have made an invitation for the party (A4) that you can download and print.
Download here!

Useful information

Useful information to read before your visit, you can find here.