Bike Rental

Biking at Geilo

Geilo has a family friendly and various offer when it comes to biking.

You’ll find skill trails for beginners, long bike trails up in the mountains, jump lines, pumptrack and liftbased flowy trails for downhill biking.

All in all a wide offer for both beginners and more experienced riders.

Geilos biggest bike rental

We deliver a good variety of different bikes, with the trials and activitites basically right outside our front door.

If you want to reserve bikes, this must be booked online before 16:00 the day before. Bike rent later than this gets handled on drop in at the bike rental in the Summer Park. Its not possible to prebook bikes via e-mail.

*3 hrs rent is only available on drop in after 13:30, and can not be prebooked online. Availability for 3hrs rent can not be guaranteed.

Balance bikes for the youngest bikers!

A balance bike is a great way to learn biking on two weels. With a balance bike the kids learn how to balance in a safe way before embarking on learning how to pedal.

We have both 12 and 14 inch bikes.

Summer chairlift

Take the chairlift up to Bjødnahovda, 1056 moh. This is a great starting point for hikes in Hardangervidda National Park, and for liftbased trail biking. Up top you can enjoy magnificent views of Hallingskarvet National Park and Geilo.