Forrige Neste

Directions to Høyt & Lavt Bergen

Below you will find directions and how to get to Høyt & Lavt Climbing Park in Bergen.


Osvegen 141, 5227 Nesttun, Bergen


By car

From Bergen city centre, drive about 12km on E39 towards Os. You will find our climbing park on the right side of the road.

We have free parking.

By bus

From Bergen city bus terminal, platform L: Bus number 600 to the stop “Kirkebirkeland” (announced on the bus). Takes about 22 minutes.

By Bybanen

Bergen Light Rail

The nearest stop is Skjoldskiftet, 2,6 km from the climbing park. If you walk it will take you about 30 min, and by bike it will take you 7 min.

Another option is to take bus number 600 from the roundabout at Skjoldskiftet. Take the bus (every 15 min) to the stop Kirkebirkeland, which is only 250 m from the climbing park.

GPS Coordinates

GPS Latitude: 60.299097
GPS Longitude: 5.378020


Bergen city centre: 12 km (18 min)
Lagunen: 5,4 km (10 min)
Bergen airport Flesland: 10,6 km (17 min)
Voss: 98 km (1 t 27 min)

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